ICMRA 2018 | May 18-21, 2018 | Hefei University Of Technology, China
Group Photo

ICMRA Proceedings
Accepted papers published by IEEE (CD-ROM CFP18P26-CDR 978-1-5386-5269-5), included in
IEEE Xplore
, indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus one month after online.
Session Photos
S1-Intelligent Robot Design and Development S2-Mechanical Electronics and Industrial Technology
S3-Material Analysis and Measurement S4-Electronic Information Technology and Application
Best Oral Presentation Awards

Excellent Presenters of ICMRA 2018
Session 1-Ms. Yaxi Wang, University of Macau
Session 2-Assoc. Prof. Jiusheng Bao, China University of Mining and Technology
Session 3-Dr. Yu-Qing Wang, Hefei University of Technology
Session 4-Assoc.Prof. Kin Hong Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong